Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nuclear Fruit

Someone left the clementines on top of the microwave
Woulda been fine if the safety seals hadn't gave
Oh oh oh
Soon they started growing
With a little bit of glowing
Round the edge

Posted by Gregory Taylor

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Daring Joseph Blaze

Remember what you've seen today, young sir,
And tell your children: Pass it on to yours.
The future thinks that Daring Joseph Blaze
Could split himself in many different ways.

At once in Reed, then in New Boston Park
Then seven planets claimed him at a time.
Had he surpassed? Transcended space? Not just,
Though rumour surely made it seem he must.

For Joseph Blaze was in his people's hearts
And with them still wherever they cried his name.
Though he was dead - or so the Empire said -
For him they fought and struggled, strove and bled.

Posted by Gregory Taylor